Create Logo using Photoshop7

Open a new file, any size, I've used 250*250. Make your background white and press D to reset your colors.

Select the Elliptical Marquee tool and draw a circle.

Edit, stroke. 2px, center.

Select all (control A)
Edit free transform make your circle diagonal

Select all again, (Control A) select the magic wand tool, hold alt and click anywhere but on the circle (result should be that you have only selected the circle).

Pres control+J to duplicate.

Filter, render, lighting effects with the following values..

Now select the text tool and type the first symbol of your nickname in the circle. Make it big enough, I've used 90 points (But that depends on how big your circle is). Next we need to rasterize this layer, to do so you need to add a (inconspicuous) filter.

Filter -> Distort Glass.. click "ok"
You probably didn't notice it, but your layer changed.. its not a text layer anymore. Since it's not a text layer anymore you can warp it.

Edit -> Transform -> Warp and change it the way you like it. This is what I've got.

Try to select the part of your symbol that are inside the circle.

Press delete (but keep your selection) go to the circle layer and delete that as well.

It should look like this..

Now type the rest of your nickname in a new text layer.

Again, you need to rasterize it so, Filter -> distort glass

Again, edit -> transform -> warp.

Now you need to save this as a brush set so you can always use your logo, when you make your avatar, or whatever you are making..
Edit -> Define Brush set, and name it.

To use your logo in existing pictures just open a picture you like and select the eraser tool. Give your background a color you choose.. choose your logo and erase.


Unknown said...

Photoshop 7 is truly the best when it comes to graphic design.