Some Books Available in GWT

Books Available on GWT

Below is a set of books that have been published regarding the Google Web Toolkit, including a short description of each.

Please note that the books linked from this page are provided by third-parties and are not endorsed by Google. A dollar sign ($) denotes that the third-party vendor charges a fee for the tool. Please direct any questions about these resources to the appropriate contact listed below.

  • Google Web Toolkit: Taking the pain out of Ajax $

    This eBook by Ed Burnette guides you through the GWT installation process and through the creation of your first application. This book teaches you about the UI elements, Remote Procedure Calls, and the ins and outs of the framework.

  • Google Web Toolkit Solutions (Digital Short Cut): Cool & Useful Stuff $

    This shortcut, by David Geary, addresses several more advanced topics of GWT (like implementing drag and drop and Hibernate integration). It is especially appropriate for those of you who are already familiar with the basics of using GWT, and want to dive deeper.

  • Google Web Toolkit Solutions: More Cool & Useful Stuff $

    While the Digital Short Cut (above) walks through sample apps of some advanced GWT topics, this book covers an even more comprehensive set of advanced topics and goes into greater detail on each of them chapter by chapter. This book is ideal for GWT developers who want to take a deeper and more complete look at advanced GWT development.

  • Google Web Toolkit Applications $

    Ryan Dewsbury has translated his extensive experience and passion for the GWT platform into written word for this book. It explains both basic and advanced concepts involved in building large-scale, non-trivial GWT applications. Highly recommended for those who wish to want to learn the best practices in GWT application development.

  • GWT in Action $

    Robert Hanson and Adam Tacy have developed a comprehensive tutorial for Java developers interested in building the next generation of rich, web-based applications. By following a running example in the book, you can learn GWT from the ground up.

  • GWT in Practice (Early Access version) $

    Robert Cooper and Charles Collins have written an example-driven, code-rich book designed for web developers who already know the basics of GWT. After a quick review of GWT fundamentals, the book provides handy, reusable solutions to the problems you face when moving beyond "Hello World" and proof-of-concept apps.

  • The Google Web Toolkit $ Coming Soon!

    Bruce Johnson and Joel Webber, creators of the Google Web Toolkit (GWT), have signed with Addison-Wesley to write the definitive guide to GWT. This book will be published in 2007.